Saturday, July 30, 2011

이젠 끝이야

Looks like I'm going to do a lot of things....... for the last time.

instead of always being selfish
I'm doing things for people....
For the people that matters.

I just hope I'm never too late.

To life, may we live the way we desire.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Subtle messages~

"… everything isn’t over till everything is okay ...." - Drinking Therapy by

Did I say how much I love this fic??

Purple Egg appears again when there's a show

Your first show of the last three shows =)
Do well, travel save~~
I know these shows means a lot to you....
I wish I even seen one, but still one of your fans flew from US to see you...
Just thought that you should know~ hehehe~

규타녕~!~! 화이팅~~ <3

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

For every read, I catch a different thing~

“We all have different perceptions on what friends can be. For me, the standard is quite… high. Honestly I can count people I consider friends on one hand.” -quote from Drinking Therapy by

This speak volumes about my life.....

I love this fanfic more and more every time I read it~

Friday, July 22, 2011


집에 오는길은 때론 너무 길어 나는 더욱 더 지치곤 해
문을 열자마자 잠이 들었다가 깨면 아무도 없어
좁은 욕조속에 몸을 뉘었을때 작은 달팽이 한 마리가
내게로 다가와 작은 목소리로 속삭여줬어

언젠가 먼 훗날에 저 넓고 거칠은 세상 끝 바다로 갈거라고
아무도 못봤지만 기억속 어딘가 들리는 파도소리 따라서
나는 영원히 갈래

모두 어딘가로 차를 달리는 길 나는 모퉁이 가게에서
담배 한개비와 녹는 아이스크림 들고 길로 나섰어
해는 높이떠서 나를 찌르는데 작은 달팽이 한 마리가
어느새 다가와 내게 인사하고 노랠 흥얼거렸어

언젠가 먼 훗날에 저 넓고 거칠은 세상 끝 바다로 갈거라고
아무도 못봤지만 기억속 어딘가 들리는 파도소리 따라서
나는 영원히 갈래

내 모든걸 바쳤지만 이젠 모두 푸른 연기처럼 산산히 흩어지고
내게 남아있는 작은 힘을 다해 마지막 꿈 속에서
모두 잊게 모두 잊게 해 줄 바다를 건널거야

언젠가 먼 훗날에 저 넓고 거칠은 세상 끝 바다로 갈거라고
아무도 못봤지만 기억속 어딘가 들리는 파도소리 따라서
나는 영원히 갈래

***Let me listen to this forever***

Thursday, July 21, 2011

It stays

I guess it won't go away as soon as I want it too
It's alright....
It's not like I've never gone through this a thousand times before.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


You are one hard ass to handle....
You bring unnecessary frustration that I seriously don't need..
Guess watching me crying to sleep is fun...
Feeling sorry to people that I should not have...

The more this year is coming to an end, the more I can't say no to you.
I might succumb to your words again....

I hate myself.
Fuck this shit.

Things that does not change

The Earth that spins
The Moon that circles it
The Sun that keeps shining


how Kyuhyun is always here~
I pretty much owe my life to him....

Thanks once again....
You saved my sanity...... again~ =)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The day my PC dies

A faithful Sunday night~
After a couple of fruitless tries to install AutoCAD to my PC....
my PC rejected it because the processor doesn't have a thing called SSE2..
Blasted beans.
Dismantled the whole thing and kidnapped my sister's PC.
She doesn't have a monitor anyway~

My brain is dead from all this installing crap...
Then I rushed my last assignment and report today.
Also trying to rush my project title to submit by this Wednesday, but my supervisor is SO hard to reach.
Doing Main Drain by the way..... =_=
The things that you hate will always find you....
Fluid *creeps*

I'm just real dead tried.......

Positive news~
There are 41 orders of 5th album..... *claps* *throws confetti*
41 orders total of 67 albums~ =)
It will be a horror to pack and send them out, but the more the merrier... =)
and donations are very WOW worthy.. =)
considering RM is an all time low, KRW and USD is rising now --- should have did it when USD was low
But still happy~ =)

There's a few more weeks to the comeback...
it's sad, yet happy thing...
Well, if you follow anything Super Junior you might have already know Jungsoo and Heechul isn't at all young.
Their military service is due, both of them said next year should be it.
Both are waiting to receive some kind of letter shipping them to some place.
But anyhoooooo, take responsibility when it is due...
Didn't say I won't going to miss them, but I probably won't cry over it... =)
It's a good thing...... and Super Junior still lives. =)
Anyhooooo~~~ can't wait for the comeback...

Also, together with their comeback, the fandom is in uproar again.
I hearby say......
Please do not believe in rumours that has no proper source what so ever....
There's where 80% of the rumours starts.
the other 20% from Twitter, Tumblr and facebook.
Sungmin dyeing his hair Neon Green is the most absurd I've heard,
and you are not gullible to believe but plain stupid.
He is on Jack The Ripper....... WHAT NEON GREEN HAIR?
You must not be a fan to begin with. LOL~
Also~~~~ People who doesn't read what SJW wrote about the album sales, please don't spread false rumour about SJW. Thank you~ It's getting pretty annoying.

Anyway~~~~ People have a good life, and..... oh well, behave.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

There's always a reason..... feel exceptionally uneasy.

The emptiness that was knocking on to my door.
has broke the hinges and barged in.

For a moment, I'll just feel hurt.
just a moment, then I'll regain myself =)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This feeling of emptiness, creeps slowly into the room that I'm in.

Knocking on the door to a place I would not want to let it in

Recently distant is all I felt, I don't know why.

A phase, some calls it, I wish I call it too.

November is closing in, that application form I must fill in.

Offer letter with condition is what I get.

22 years of life is what I lose.

I point my fingers at this excuse, but was it the right one?

Even I don't know, so who would understand?

Distant is self made, or it appears one time to test, the strength and bond of each other.

Even with this, I felt I am far away from where I am.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Because I'm in a good mood

I should blog something when I'm in a good mood because I have too many emo post

and then I came here and stare at the screen for 5 minutes and don't know how to continue

LOL~ Me being happy is so hard.
I've switched rooms...
From my favourite small room with a window above my bed (good place to emo)
to a large room with my sister. =_=

Don't know if this is a good thing~
But I guess we shall take it as it comes~ =)
On to staying in a shared room, after 4 years of living alone in a room. LOL~ =D


That smile of yours...
Please stay that way~ =)
Please don't be too hard on yourself during IS2..

Sunday, July 3, 2011


My never ending wish for you to grow up is REALLY never ending