Thursday, October 28, 2010

a poker face

I do not tolerate weakness

Sunday, October 17, 2010

short yet powerful

I don't even know whether I want to write an account to account thing here
Coz it's too short of a showcase to actually experience a lot of stuff
So I'll just give a few comments here...

It wasn't exactly that worth it - an hour for RM 259
It was really worthy - Their live voices was the first I heard and it was AWESOME. I tell you AWESOME. (especially Junsu's)
It was funny - Serena C is a great MC as always
It was a little boring - The interview part of the thing was REALLY short and it didn't even ask proper question
Interview was pretty awkward though
It was not a showcase for non Korean speakers - Translator wasn't doing such a good job
It was pretty fun - The music was awesome and and the encore was all JUMP JUMP JUMP
It ended too abruptly - It was like "This is our last song" Sang and descended off the stage using trap doors.

So yeah~ I'm here still waiting for photos... LMAO.

I'm not that low..... Okay?

Tell me one more time that I like Kyuhyun just because of his looks
I'll show you his non-make up face, messy hair, and swollen lips picture
beside 4 of the other members who I presumed that they weren't wearing any make up too

Then I'll point to the ugliest full with pimple face and call him Kyuhyun
And you can tell me again that he is awesomely good looking
and I'm blinded by it

Friday, October 15, 2010

One of the reason why I told you straight up
is not for you to penalise me
but is for you to TRY to understand what I'm trying to say

I said it loud and clear
But why did you turn my words and make it go against you
It was just a wish from my birthday
a Thank You wish not so different from the one I wrote you when I turn 18

Was it because I lost most of my respect for you when I turned 19 the next year and showed it?
That everything I said even if it's just a little Thank You, that you can't even believe that I'm saying it to you?

You asked to be a friend
But you are the one pushing me away

Like I always am
I'm always fine with it

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grinning like a maniac after a be-earlied phone call from Australia

That Woman.

Thanks for the wish, dear.
Even though it's like an hour early. LOL!

Ah~~ I miss her and all our midnight laughters.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

사사의 생일~~

*I can't add images I don't know why. T-T*
*imagine the picture of the three rings are here~*

유리 십월의 아기~~~
생일 축하해요~~~
행복에 많이 있어요~~~

May God bless you~

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Evan Almighty

"If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience? Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient? If he prayed for courage, does God give him courage, or does he give him opportunities to be courageous? If someone prayed for the family to be closer, do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings, or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"

Saw a friend tweeted this. =)
It's a quote from a movie "Evan Almighty"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The "me" in cyber world is nothing like the real life "me"
So please don't judge me through my twitter if you happen to read my tweets
That will be very much appreciated
Thank you

Sunday, October 3, 2010

“Rather than thinking about the people around you as your competitors, think of yourself as your own rival instead, and abandon the thoughts of wanting to beat the other people, carry yourself with confidence, and if you want to have a calm life, drop your pride and feelings of inferiority.” - Heechul in Sangji University

Source: MT Star News + bbyong~✪ @
Chinese TranslationMelody @
English Translation: eternalsnow @

Every time I read something about Heechul, it always, without fail, make me respect him more than I respect anyone else in this world. He's a person who'll tell you how to run your life in a meaningful way instead of just chasing happiness. And with that, getting happiness too.