Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A Funny Incident

So I was in the middle of waiting for a page to load...
I was fiddling around with my ring necklace around my neck...
That really funny incident played in my head again...
and I laughed by myself in my room...

It happened in the previous semester...
While I got to know a new friend...
My very rare female senior who is also younger than me...
We were eating together that she asked...
"You have boyfriend?"
I looked at her puzzled of course, since that question was pretty much out of the blue...
"You have a ring on your finger and that."
She pointed at my neck...

"Oh. No. I don't have a boyfriend. It's more like girlfriends." and I laughed like it's nothing...
A mere misunderstanding...
But her eyes grew big and she looked at me weird again...
"Are you lesbian?"

-misunderstand turned BIG-

I practically wanted to LOL over there...
But I didn't...
kept a straight face and said...
"No... Not lesbian... I'm a Bi... with 6 wives and a husband..."
-endless laughing in my head-

To the slow ones who don't get this joke...
For your information... I'm neither lesbian nor bi... and I have nothing against them...
I'm a Kyubian or a Kyusexual if you wanna call me in any of that context...
Thank you very much~~~~~~~ =)

Sharing a picture of my hubby if you guys don't know I married already!!!!! =)
*Love this picture it got me laughing so hard when I first saw it*
And my wives~~~~~ Love you all~~~~~~

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